Using NaNoWriMo to build a platform, Part 3

(Full disclosure: I wrote this post before July even began because I knew things were going to get dicey once I started work on my novel. Since I wrote it while I had NaNo on the brain and was still feeling relatively positive about the process, it seemed like a good theme. Since this is Camp NaNoWriMo, I’ll be focusing on that.)

(Read Part 1 here) (Read Part 2 here)

I couldn’t figure out a point for this post (the problem of writing too many things on the same theme in a short amount of time), but eventually I was able to find two smaller points that would apply to the Week Three slump. Because there is always a slump about halfway through because it’s not exciting and new anymore, and the end isn’t quite in sight yet. There are two aspects of Camp NaNoWriMo that apply to a writing platform overall that specifically relate to the Week Three blahs (at least, I find it helps me get past them).

NUMBER 1: Try donating. The phrase “put your money where your mouth is” comes to mind. Once you have paid money to something, chances are you’ll want to get at much out of it as you can. This give extra impetus to get that novel all the way to the finish. It also gets you used to the idea that people who write stuff and who offer services to writers are deserving of funds, and at a much lower price range than most things. It gets you used to the idea that putting money into writing tools is a good investment. I’m building a platform, which means I want to make money at writing. It also means that I want to become the best writer I can, which requires some investment of time and money on my part. This is an easy place to start.

NUMBER 2: Camp NaNoWriMo is great for pushing through a slump. Having an actual goal with rewards and the end, reminders of what needs to be done to get there, and people encouraging you along the way, it gets you through a slump. Once you get through the first slump, you know you can do it again, which should in theory make it easier the next time (or if not easier, at least doable instead of the impossible task it seems like initially). One of the first things they teach through NaNo is that the best way to get through the slow writing spots is to just do it. Get down a certain number of words each day, and eventually you’ll get past that troublesome bit.

Platforming is like writing through a slump. It requires consistent effort or it won’t be effective. Some days are bigger than others (launching a new blog, crafting a website, designing a cover), but most days it’s important to just do the little things and keep doing them so you don’t lose ground (respond to followers, tweet a few words, write that next blog post). I keep telling myself if I can write a novel, I can keep up with my blog. It’s not all that different when I get down to it.

So that’s it. Keep writing, push through, and be prepared to fund your endeavor. Good luck!

2 thoughts on “Using NaNoWriMo to build a platform, Part 3

  1. Delores V Beurrier

    I’ve read Parts 1 & 2 now also 3. Trying to encourage you in your writing by reading what ever you write. Don’t know where you are in your Number of words this month, but keep the Faith and continue on. One of these days ……………….you will earn from your efforts.


  2. Pingback: Using NaNoWriMo to build a platform, part 4 – No-Clue Writing Platform

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