Can You Read This?

The initial design of a blog is important, and I honestly did not spend very long on mine. For once, I can honestly say this was not out of laziness but more because the sheer array of choices (even among the free options that are all I can afford) is bewildering. I went with the first design that caught my fancy and that’s what I’ve stuck with since then. Now it’s time to do a little better. Continue reading “Can You Read This?”

NoClue: Paid versus Not

I know, I said I’d work on figuring out Pinterest as a writing platform. And I am. I converted it to a business account (still figuring out the details on that one), and I’m making an effort to pin more regularly. But when I tried to incorporate some of the things that business accounts have as features, I ran into a little snag. Continue reading “NoClue: Paid versus Not”

Site Design (There are reasons we pay people to do this stuff)

I didn’t do a whole lot when I first put this site up. Mostly I just picked a design and figured, hey, I’ll just get this thing started, especially because I plan to blog about the whole process. So that means I’m still playing around with design elements and will probably still be working on this thing for a while. Since no one’s really reading this blog just yet, I’m not going to make this a long post. Continue reading “Site Design (There are reasons we pay people to do this stuff)”